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Sims, Gill.

Why Mummy Drinks : the journal / G. Sims. - Glasgow : Harper Collins Publishers, 2018. - 253 p.
Аннотация: It is Mummy's 39th birthday. She is staring down the barrel of a future of people asking if she wants to come to their advanced yoga classes, and polite book clubs where everyone claims to be tiddly after a glass of Pinot Grigio. But Mummy does not want to go quietly into that good night of women with sensible haircuts who 'live for their children' and stand in the playground trying to trump each other with their offspring's extracurricular activities and achievements, and boasting about their latest holidays.

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Sims, Gill. Why Mummy Drinks : the journal
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Northrup, Christiane.

Frauenkörper, Frauenweisheit. Wie Frauen ihre ursprüngliche Fähigkeit zur Selbstheilung wiederentdecken können / C. Northrup. - München : Zabert Sandmann, 2005. - 783 S.
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Northrup, Christiane. Frauenkörper, Frauenweisheit. Wie Frauen ihre ur
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Genderlinguistik : sprachliche Konstruktionen von Geschlechtsidentität / herausgeb.: S. Günthner, D. Hüpper, C. Spiess. - Berlin ; Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 2012. - VIII, 447 S.
Аннотация: Der Sammelband zur Genderlinguistik zeigt Praktiken der sprachlichen Konstruktion von Geschlechteridentitäten aus diversen Blickwinkeln auf. Die Beiträge präsentieren aktuelle methodische und theoretische Zugänge zur Analyse des Zusammenhangs von Sprache und Geschlecht, diskutieren aktuelle Fragestellungen und skizzieren neue Perspektiven zur sprachlichen Geschlechterkonstruktion in medialen Kontexten, in Face-to-Face-Interaktionen und im Zusammenspiel von Sprachsystem und -gebrauch.

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Genderlinguistik : sprachliche Konstruktionen von Geschlechtsidentität
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Fine, Cordelia.

Delusions of Gender : The Real Science Behind Sex Differences / C. Fine. - London : Icon Books Ltd, 2011. - xxix, 338 p.
Аннотация: A vehement attack on the latest pseudo-scientific claims about the differences between the sexes. Sex discrimination is supposedly a distant memory. Yet popular books, magazines and even scientific articles increasingly defend inequalities by citing immutable biological differences between the male and female brain. That's the reason, we're told, that there are so few women in science and engineering, so few men in the laundry room - different brains are just better suited to different things. Drawing on the latest research in developmental psychology, neuroscience, and social psychology, Delusions of Gender powerfully rebuts these claims, showing how old myths, dressed up in new scientific finery, are helping perpetuate the sexist status quo.

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Fine, Cordelia. Delusions of Gender : The Real Science Behind Sex Diff
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Danese, Elda.

The House Dress: a Story of Eroticism and Fashion / E. Danese ; transl. H. Evans. - Venezia : Fondazione Petti Discovery, 2008. - 150, [1] p.
Аннотация: The idea of the house dress is closely related to the concept of housework and domesticity. Elda Danese traces the circumstances that led to the success and the worldwide use of the house dress over a period spanning from the 1920s to the present.

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Danese, Elda. The House Dress: a Story of Eroticism and Fashion
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Gore, Ariel.

Bluebird : Women and the New Psychology of Happiness / A. Gore. - New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010 (Canada : D&M Publishers, Inc.). - X, [196] p.
Аннотация: Happiness has become a serious business. Where twentiethcentury psychology focused on depression and illness, in the new millennium scientists have begun focusing on "positive psychology"—the study of happiness. Ariel Gore first became intrigued by this subject when she discovered that Positive Psychology was the most popular course on the Harvard campus. As she read deeper into the topic, she noticed something disturbing: everyone in this happy land was a man. Worse still, some of these new "experts" seemed hell-bent on proving that women with traditional values and breadwinning husbands—those who had made "an effort to expect less," according to one sociologist—were more content than women with feminist values. The more she read the more she wondered: Can a woman be smart, empowered, and happy? Determined to find out, Gore began her own "study in living"— a journey into the feminine history, science, and experience of happiness. Her results, chronicled with humor and curiosity in Bluebird, are by turns fascinating and enriching. A woman’s happiness may not come easy, and it may not take the forms prescribed by popular culture. But, as Gore discovers, it is not only possible but necessary. Bluebird is a smart, no-nonsense, uplifting study of the real secret of joy, and whether it’s truly at odds with the goals of modern women.

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Gore, Ariel. Bluebird : Women and the New Psychology of Happiness
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Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan.

Wege aus der Frustfalle. Warum Frauen zu viel grübeln, zu viel essen und zu viel trinken / S. Nolen-Hoeksema ; übersetz. S. Hauser. - Frankfurt am Main : Eichborn AG, 2008. - 193, [1] S.
Аннотация: Die Psychologie-Professorin Susan Nolen-Hoeksema beschreibt in ihrem Buch das toxische Dreieck, ein Zusammenwirken dreier Probleme: Essstörrungen, zu viel Alkohol und Depressionen.

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Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan. Wege aus der Frustfalle. Warum Frauen zu viel g
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Goddard, Angela.

Language and Gender / A. Goddard, L. Mean. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2009. - 135 p.
Аннотация: Explores the relationship between language and our ideas about men and women. This title challenges commonly expressed views on the subject of language and gender. It highlights the individuals role in the expression of gender stereotyping. It includes a range of text types as diverse as personal ads and wildlife documentary. Aimed at A-Level and beginning undergraduate students, Language and Gender: explores the relationship between language and our ideas about men and women challenges commonly expressed views on the subject of language and gender highlights the individual's role in the expression of gender stereotyping includes a range of text types as diverse as personal ads, wildlife documentary, literary fiction and classical music programmes includes a comprehensive glossary of terms.

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Goddard, Angela. Language and Gender
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More Dirty Looks: Gender, Pornography and Power / edit., intr. P. Ch. Gibson. - London : British Film Institute, 2004 (Trowbridge, Wiltshire : Cromwell Press). - 264 p.
Аннотация: Drawing on the radical work around gender, identity and sexuality within critical theory, this book argues for the significance of pornography in debates around gender, feminism and masculinity and the importance of the topic in our understanding of issues of power and cultural identity.

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More Dirty Looks: Gender, Pornography and Power
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Gender and Spoken Interaction / edit.: Pia Pichler P., Eva Eppler E. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - xxii, 241 p. (Введено оглавление)
Аннотация: Gender and Spoken Interaction presents a diverse collection of language and gender research with an exclusive focus on spoken interaction. The volume explores how gender is accomplished and reflected in spoken interaction, in relation to other situational and larger-scale sociocultural practices, identities and structures. Contributors present a wide range of lively data from private as well as institutional contexts, produced by speakers across all life stages and from a number of different ethnic, social, national and linguistic backgrounds.

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Gender and Spoken Interaction
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