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28 октября во всём мире отмечается Международный день анимации. Именно в этот день 130 лет назад во Франции появилось первое подобие мультипликации.

Принято считать, что мультфильмы снимаются исключительно для детей, но иногда в основе мультиков лежат серьёзные классические произведения. Знали ли вы, что "Король лев" был вдохновлён шекспировским "Гамлетом"? На выставке представлены книги на русском и иностранных языках, по которым были сняты фильмы или телесериалы, а также книги, созданные на основе анимационных произведений.

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По наличию:
Kiernan, Caltlin.

Beowulf / C. R. Kiernan ; intr. N. Gaiman. - London ; Toronto ; Sidney : Bantam Books, 2007. - viii, 371 p.
Аннотация: Written between 700 and 1000AD, the original 3,000 line poem is sometimes called 'England's national epic'. It recounts the story of a Scandinavian warrior, Beowulf, who pledges to save King Hrothgar's people from the monstrous creature Grendel that has been terrorising his kingdom. In the ensuing fight, Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm and the now-mortally wounded monster flees back to his lair beneath a mysterious lake. But Beowulf's work is not yet done: an even greater threat emerges from beneath the waters — Grendel's mother, bent on avenging the death of her son...One of the great works of English literature, this classic tale of heroism and sacrifice has been transformed into a remarkable film. Directed by Robert Zemeckis from a screenplay by Neil Gaiman and Roger Avary, Warner Bros.'

Экз-ры: ИНО - ИН-062374 (Выдан)

Adams, Richard.

Daleka cesta za domovem / R. Adams ; пер.: J. Minarikova, H. Zantovska. - Praha : Cteni A Pouceni, 1986. - 424 str.
Экз-ры: ИНО

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Kafka, Franz.

Die Verwandlung und andere Tiergeschichten / F. Kafka ; zeichn. Ch. Jahr. - Berlin : Buchverl. Der Morgen, 1984. - 206, [2] S.
Экз-ры: ИНО

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Kafka, Franz.

Gesammelte Werke in zwolf Banden. - Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verl., 1994 - . Bd. 1 : Ein Landarzt und andere Drucke zu Lebzeiten. - 1994. - 373 S.
Экз-ры: ИНО

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Jones, Diana Wynne.

House of many ways / D. W. Jones. - London : HarperCollins Publishers, 2008. - 327, [9] p.
Аннотация: Grade 5–10—Sheltered teenager Charmain Baker is sent by her domineering great-aunt to house-sit for a distant relative, the royal wizard. She finds that his residence has myriad magical rooms and hallways and soon learns that there is trouble in the seemingly peaceful kingdom of High Norland. The treasury is disappearing, and no one knows where the money is going. Princess Hilda invites Sophie Pendragon, the main character from Howl's Moving Castle (1986), to come help solve the mystery, with her husband, Howl, disguised as an annoying preschooler, and the fire-demon Calcifer. A lubbock, one of Jones's more threatening magical creations, and its offspring, the lubbockins, threaten the kingdom, and it's up to Charmain and her nascent magical talents—and her new friends—to save the day. A whirlwind conclusion sets all to rights and leaves Charmain ready to start life outside of her parents' shadow. Sophie and Howl play background roles here, as in Castle in the Air (HarperCollins, 2001), but readers will find Charmain much to their liking as she develops from a girl who is unable to take care of herself into a proactive and adventurous young woman.

Экз-ры: ИНО

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Cowell, Cressida.

How to Betray a Dragon's Hero / C Cowell. - London : Hodder Childens Books, 2013. - 398, [16] p.
Экз-ры: ИНО - ИН-067802 (Выдан)

Bonsels, Waldemar.

L'Ape Maia e le sue avventure / W. Bonsels; tradotto da Evelina Levi. - Firenze ; Milano : Giunti Editore, 2019. - 171, [2] p.
Аннотация: Maia è una giovane ape un po' ribelle e piena di vita. Durante il suo primo volo, decide di fuggire dall'alveare e lasciare le sue compagne, per conoscere l'uomo e gli altri abitanti della natura. Con loro affronterà fantastiche avventure e sfide spericolate.

Экз-ры: ИНО

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Dumas, Alexandre.

Le Comte de Monte Cristo : Tome 1 / A. Dumas. - Moscou : Editions en Langues Etrangeres, 1959. - 748 p.
Экз-ры: ИНО

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Dumas, Alexandre (père ; 1802-1870).

Le Comte de Monte-Cristo. - Moscou : Edition en langues etrangeres, 1959. Tome 2. - 1959. - 690, [1] p.
Экз-ры: ИНО

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Disney, Walt.

Le monde merveilleux des Silly Symphonies / W. Disney. - Paris : Edi-monde Hachette, 1981. - 240 p.
Экз-ры: ИНО

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