Classic Greenwich Style / C. Rinfret ; intr.: B. Williams, J. Rosselli. - 3rd ed. - New York : Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 2008. - 176 p. : il. - ISBN 978-0-8478-2846-3 : 1845.00 р.
ББК 85.128 + 85.11

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: This book offers a glimpse into homes that are "quintessentially Greenwich"—that capture the classic style and tradition of houses that are stately and reflect a life well lived. With their handsome facades and elegant yet comfortable interiors, these homes have provided inspiration to decorators and homeowners nationwide. In this richly illustrated volume, celebrated interior designer Cindy Rinfret provides entrée to the beautiful homes she has crafted with her exquisite eye for detail and unique decorating sensibility.

Доп.точки доступа: Williams, Bunny \intr.\; Rosselli, John \intr.\
Экз-ры: ИНО

Rinfret, Cindy. Classic Greenwich Style